Science & Technology Intelligence Practice
“[’Genius’ forecasting] is impossible to teach, expensive to learn, and allows no opportunity for review by others.”
-- Ralph Lenz
The shortcomings of individual expert opinion are widely known, yet when it comes to forecasting and assessing technology many of us resort back to that all-knowing expert to analyze likely developments in technologies of interest to us. But, while experts can provide considerable domain knowledge and context, they are not expert at predicting the future. That is why companies at the forefront of technology development typically rely on a more systematic method of inquiry that integrates expert opinion, historical data, and future needs with the known dynamics of technological advance to generate intelligence that will guide their technology development efforts.
-- Ralph Lenz
The shortcomings of individual expert opinion are widely known, yet when it comes to forecasting and assessing technology many of us resort back to that all-knowing expert to analyze likely developments in technologies of interest to us. But, while experts can provide considerable domain knowledge and context, they are not expert at predicting the future. That is why companies at the forefront of technology development typically rely on a more systematic method of inquiry that integrates expert opinion, historical data, and future needs with the known dynamics of technological advance to generate intelligence that will guide their technology development efforts.
What is Science &Technology Intelligence?
Science & Technology Intelligence (S&TI) is a branch of competitive intelligence analysis that focuses specifically on changes in the technological environment and the technological capabilities of competitors. Technology intelligence blends capabilities in technology forecasting, technology assessment, and technology transfer to objectively assess the likely future course of developments in a given technology and its implications for your business. S&TI, clearly, is a critical component of strategic technology planning.
Do We Need It?
Are you in an industry that is experiencing rapid technological advance or one in which entirely new or different technologies will be needed within five years? Do you produce and deliver technology intensive products, processes or services? Is it important for you to be aware of the technological capabilities of your competitors? If the answer to any of these questions is yes, then you should have some systematic program for gathering and analyzing science & technology intelligence.
What Can Technology Intelligence Do For Us?
Internally focused, technology intelligence can assist in identifying new business opportunities, identify gaps in available technology, assist in evaluating alternate paths to attaining a required capability, and focus R&D program planning by providing direction to research efforts and identifying critical skills that will be needed. Externally focused S&TI can help predict the timing of introduction of new technology by others and enhance your awareness of technological advances that may complement or obsolete your core technologies.
How Extensive An Effort is Required?
That depends. Organizational size, complexity, R&D intensity, rate of technological advance in your industry, rate of new product introduction, and so on will all dictate the nature of the program required. For some firms, simple surveillance programs providing continual monitoring of one or two critical technologies may be adequate. For others, more elaborate integration of technology trends with future needs, expert opinion, and patent analysis may be needed. The principal consideration is that the effort be objective, systematic, and focused to the needs of the firm.
How TEMI Can Help
Regardless of whether you already have an extensive internal technology intelligence capability or are just beginning to think about your needs for technology intelligence, TEMI can be a valuable resource for you. From establishing and conducting a surveillance program in a specific technology to assessing the technological capabilities of a particular competitor to conducting a comprehensive technology forecast and assessment, TEMI is poised to deliver. We have experience in a wide range of technologies and industries and unsurpassed analytical expertise.
Call on TEMI to:
Are you in a technology intensive firm? Is technology crucial to your competitive advantage? If so, you should have an active technology intelligence capability. Contact us today to discuss your technology intelligence needs.
Call on TEMI to:
- Provide an assessment of the state of the art of a critical technology
- Evaluate the technology portfolio and capabilities of a competitor or potential acquisition
- Establish a surveillance program in a critical technology
- Analyze the patenting and technology licensing activities of a competitor to determine strategic intent
- Analyze patenting activity in a field to provide early warning of future developments and product introductions
- Identify prospective licensees of your technology
- Assess the potential for diffusion of a technological innovation
- Forecast the likely timing and pattern of substitution of one technology for another in the marketplace
- Provide current awareness of developments in a technology of interest
- Provide training to your staff in technology forecasting and intelligence methodologies
Are you in a technology intensive firm? Is technology crucial to your competitive advantage? If so, you should have an active technology intelligence capability. Contact us today to discuss your technology intelligence needs.